It is very important for one to understand the time value of money. Especially we should let our next generation know about it. As the sea wave keeps on coming without any hesitation Darrell Henderson Womens Jersey , life also flows on. It is important to make a child understand about the journey of time along with the changing value of life.
Do you see people using the old coins nowadays? I am sure you do not. But you remember them as your grandmas must have kept a few. This paisa is to be kept in with you only as they are not in use. Similarly, today we can buy things with a 10-rupee note, right? If I give you a ten-rupee note, you can immediately go to the next shop and buy a chocolate for you. Do you think even after a couple of years you will get the same chocolate with 10 rupee? I do not think so and I am sure you will agree with me, too.
Let us think about your latest toy Taylor Rapp Womens Jersey , which your father bought you last week. The latest remote controlled car cost him 200$. My dear, you won’t believe that I bought this car just a year back for 120$ only!! Now, you might think that, as there are the changes in the newest model, so the company has increased their price. Yes Cory Littleton Womens Jersey , you are right to some extent but there are other reasons too. You know that the price of everything is increasing day by day. So to retreat the market value one has to increase the price. The cost this company used to spend after the toy has been changed. Now, as the new technology has come within a year, they also had to improve the quality of their toy. If they did not improve it, you would not ask me for this toy, right? Tell me if it would not be as sophisticated as it is and better than your previous ones Robert Woods Womens Jersey , then would you like to buy this? No dear, you would not, nobody does. It is the market where everyone wants something better and thus, the price is getting higher accordingly.
In your childhood when you used to collect donations for the poor kids, how much people used to contribute? I think people used to give you Rs. 5 minimum. Now Jared Goff Womens Jersey , if you ask for that, you will not get less than Rs. 10 from a person. It is because earlier value of Rs. 5 is almost equal to value of Rs. 10 these days. You hardly get anything with Rs. 5 now, while you will get a chocolate, a packet of potato chips or may be a small toy at Rs. 10. Even you can get a pen at Rs. 10. So, are you with me? Do you understand the difference now?
One more example will be suitable for you to understand the matter. What is the price of the cricket bat you want to buy for yourself? Aren’t you saving your pocket money to buy that this year? Now Cooper Kupp Womens Jersey , now, you are caught! I knew it, do not worry, everyone has his secret desires and I also had this once. Let me share a story with you. When I was a kid like you, one day I went to the market with my mother. There I liked a talking doll and it was saying "mummy mummy" and "pappa pappa". It was so adorable that I wanted to buy. However Gerald Everett Womens Jersey , my mother did not have that money to buy me then so she rather bought me something else. Well, I came back, but the dream of having the doll with me stayed. That year I did not buy anything in the Pujas and saved the money. Then again in the festive season I did not buy a new dress and saved the money instead. After that I told my mother to buy me the doll with that saved money. Wow!! It was a lovely experience when I got to get that doll from my saved money. That was a superb feeling indeed. I have told you this small story because I know some of you must be saving your pocket money for your desired "thing". If it is a Cricket bat then I am sure you need not save as much as I had to. Now if you don’t buy 1 dress in a Festival or just save 45 months’ pocket money you will be able to buy it. this is because what I used to get as pocket money was lesser than you. The reason is, the value has been changed. If I give you the same amount, which I used to get as a kid Todd Gurley II Womens Jersey , it won’t be suitable for you. Thus, the change takes place in our lives too.
I think it is now clear to you how the value of money changes with time. Now, one most important thing. You should realize the value of money as well. Do not ever waste money unnecessarily. It is a curse to you if you do so. The God will be angry with you and you will be in trouble. Save money as this plays a major role in your life. If you understand the value of saving and not spending it without necessity then you will surely have a bright future.
However, the value of money changes with time yet the concept of money never changes. It never looses its importance in our life. Ask your grandma about their life. You will be amazed and astonished with the description. Sometime you might feel that she is just telling stories!! Well, it is not so. After a long when you will become a grandma and your kids will ask you this Aaron Donald Womens Jersey , they will be equally shocked to know that you used to get a chocolate at Rs. 10!